Digging in my heart of gold.

Idag har varit en riktigt bra dag på praktiken. Och vädret är strålande. Det är dagar som dessa som gör livet bara så värt att leva! Loggade in på Facebook och såg riktigt sommriga bilder på underbara vänner. Jag önskar att det blir sommar nu nu nu! jag är rikitgt pepp. Känns som om denna sommar kommer bli toppen. Och jag har så underbara vänner så CAN'T WAIT! Åh, det kommer bli underbart. Livet är underbart!
Så eftersom livet är underbart och jag har underbara vänner så tänkte jag lägga upp bilder från i Lördags, med mina fina vänner. Ni är så underbara tjejor!
Mina fina<3

Haight St.

Idag kommer mamma hem, yay. Eller inte? Klart jag vill att hon ska komma hem, har ju klagat som fan på att vara ensam hemma... Men att hon kommer hem betyder att jag måste städa? Annars kommer hon ju aldrig låta mig vara ensam hemma igen. Vilket kanske hade varit bra, men någon gång vill man ju vara ensam igen!

Idag har jag haft grym huvudvärk. Det är verkligen inte kul kan jag lova. Funderar på att fråga om jag kanske kan dra hem lite tidigare, men det får vänta eftersom jag är i princip ensam på praktiken nu. Alla gick ut på lunch, till och med Julia så jag fick äta ensam i matsalen buhu, och nu börjar folk droppa in lite.

Måste verkligen spara pengar nu. Kommer gå åt de närmaste veckorna känner jag. På fredag blir det utgång i Nyköping. På lördag blir det kanske utgång med Emma i strängnäs eller nått. På onsdag är det kryssning, och sedan ut på fredag igen. Fulla muggar, men det är bara trevligt! Dock inte för plånboken!

Finally it hurts like the tales they've told me. With my nerves outside, suddenly it burns

Imorgon kommer mor hem. Jag tror aldrig jag tyckt att det är så skönt att hon ska komma hem. Jag kan inte vara själv. Jag mår verkligen inget bra av det. Antar att jag är ett flockdjur. Jag klarar bara inte av att sitta ensam hemma, men jag gör det endå. Vad kallar man det?
Jag förstår verkligen inte hur man kan bli så nere av att vara ensam hemma. När man är ensam hemma är det ju FEST, eller? Nej så var det inte denna gången. Jag är helt okapabel till att ta hand om mig själv när jag är ensam verkar det som. Och det skrämmer mig... Jag måste ju någon gång flytta hemifrån, kan inte alltid bo tillsammans med någon...

smiles are born in Spain

Har haft en bra helg. Om man bortser från min otursdag på fredagen. Trillade två gånger. Första gången inne på Kumlinz, trampade snett med foten och gleed as lång. Han dock att rädda mig på en stol. Och garvade som fan. Andra gången var när Johan och jag skulle ut och gå, jag tog mammas vandringskängor eftersom mina stövlar läcker... På vägen tillbaka så fastnar skosnöret (jaa jag hade knytit skorna) i den andra skon och jag faller pladask på marken. Näsan före på sandad asfallt! Det gjorde ont kunde jag säga. Men värst var det med mitt knä. Kunde knappt gå sen när jag satt mig ner en stund...
Nog med 'the downsides' här kommer 'the upsides'. Fredags kom som sagt Johan över... Vi hade det mysigt med en promenad och tacos. Tacka gudarna för att jag inte var helt själv på fredagen hade typ dött av utråkning. Han åkte hem vid nio. Nästa dag, efter fram och tillbaka, så kom Emma hit. Vad fan är det med alla kiosker i Nyköping? Vi hade det hur mysigt som helst. Klockan 2 fick vi knalla ner till stan för att hämta Magnus som varit på krogen. Uppfriskande promenad.
Allt som allt, jag har haft en sjukt bra helg med sjukt bra människor. Jag är glad att jag har så bra vänner. Ni är värda guld!
Jag blir galen på detta. Igår var det 12 grader varmt ute, nu snöar det. Det finns inget som heter 'global warming' this is fucking Global Cooling!!!
go to Spain in the sun
dance away in the sun
we're okay in the sun
smiles are born in Spain
Carpark North - Spain

Who you are, what you say, your just a boy whos affraid of the dark.

Senaste dagarna har varit både fulla och tomma. Känns som om jag har massor att göra, men endå har jag massor av tid där jag sitter och bara gör, ja, ingenting. Och det är inte världens bästa känsla, specielt inte när man är ensam hemma och börjar bli paranoid. I onsdags när jag skulle sova var jag säker på att jag hörde någon säga mitt namn, men det var mitt huvud som spelade mig ett spratt. Ändå blev jag skit rädd... Tänk om det var någon i lägenheten? och vad skulle de säga när de såg vilket bombnedslag jag åstakommit på en vecka?...

Igår åkte jag upp till Södertälje. Hade dispans från praktiken och skulle intervjua folk. dock hade ag inte mycket energi och blev glad när de andra slutade så vi kunde dra på stan. Köpte lite smink, hittade även tightsen jag vill ha men köpte dem inte. 299 kr är ändå en del för ett par tights bara!

I morse vaknade jag igen vid 6, när jag skulle upp 7.40. Hur kommer det bli när jag flyttar hemifrån? Hoppas detta bara är tillfälligt. I onsdags skulle jag upp klockan 6, men vaknade 4.30!!!! Vad är det här?

Error Operator

Sommar, sommar var är du? Igår drömde jag om gula delfiner och att det var fullt av snö i mitten av Juli... Det känns ju som det. Det kommer aldrig bli sommar, eller ens en tillstymelse till vår verkar det som.

Och jag slutat skriva på engelska från och med idag. Jag orkar bara inte, och de som läser verkar inte direkt ha problem med svenska. Så då kan vi underlätta det för alla.

Idag kommer Aurelia förbi, vi ska laga mat. Har ingen aning om vad vi ska laga än. Men blir nog något gott. Funderar på lax... Annars så får vi hitta på något. Lite dåligt att jag inte kollade det innan jag stack hemmifrån eftersom då hade jag kunnat sticka och handla direkt efter jobbet.

Studiebidraget kom in igår. Sjukt bra, har inte fått det sen jag kom hem till Sverige så nu fick jag två stycken på en gång. Bra, då kan man leva nu, och inte som en jäkla fattig tiggare som går till mamma och ber om pengar. Det är något jag hatar, att var skyldiga folk något. Oberoende om det är pengar eller tjänster.

Follow me down.

Okay, song of the day is Follow Me Down - 3OH!3 featuring Neon Hitch. Kick-ass song and it is in the new Alice in Wonderland movie. Awesome movie with awesome soundtrack.
I got my money today! Yay im not poor anymore!

Caught up in a moment, but not in the right way

I haven't had time to blog any this weekend almost. So here comes an update of my weekend.
On Saturday I went, by bus, to Mariefred. That was... A long trip. Both on my way there and on my way home I had to wait 2 hours in Gnesta. It was easier to wait on the way there because it was in the middle of the day and the kiosk was open so I could sit there, but on my way home it was horrible. At first when I came there it was ok because the sun was still up, but after one hour the sun went down and it became so cold! I was freezing like hell, and no where to go inside. Everything was closed because it was sunday, and I had no money to buy something and sit in a café...

But the Saturday in Mariefred was fun, less drama would have been ok tho. I think that drama is drawn to wherever I am... It seems like it anyway... I will not go in on the details because that might be quite personal to some, but I can say that I was suprised by a person... And everyone went home because of the drama, so in the end of the night it was only me, sofia, Magnus and Emma (who had fallen asleep...). I had fun anyway. It was good to be with my new classmates, now it feels like I know them better!

Tell me would you kill to prove your right?

Crash, Crash burn... Let it burn.

I just can't stop listening to 30 seconds from spotify... They are even more awesome now that I've seen them live!
This morning I really couldn't sleep in, it just didn't work... Woke up at 8, and then I just had to get up. I think my mum haven't seen me up that early on a Saturday morning in a looong, loong time.
Today, I'm going to Mariefred. It's a hell of a travel there. I mean, it's close but it is pretty much in the middle of the bush and since I don't have a driving license (that damned driving license, yes I'm working on it). So I'll have 2 hours in Gnesta on my way there and 2 hours on my way home. Hope I'll find something to do... It's pretty boring otherwise!

But until i can leave, Ive promised mum to clean, vaccumclean and wetdry all my room... Booring, but I get something for it can I promise even tho I can't say what it is...

Honest to god, I'll break your heart. Tear you to pieces and rip you apart.

It's Friday, and I'm broke. So what do I do? I sit at home, fixing my blog. Haven't been home on a Friday night in so long... It feels... Empty. I'd much rather be out dancing and partying with my friends. But that'll have to wait until tomorrow. I'm going to Mariefred with some classmates. Awesome. Never partied with them before, but Im sure it'll be kickass. Because they are kickass!

Today was quite a pointless day... Came to work at 9.00. Pretty much just sat there until 09.30 when it was coffe break until 10.00. Then some work until 12.15, home for lunch. Looked wrong at the bus-timetable and wasn't back to work until 14.00, and then coffe 14.30, and i finished 15.00... Pointless. But a thing that wasn't pointless was that i met up with Julia and gave her her money from that she drove us home from Stockholm after 30 seconds.
I've fixed my blog, the header and the design looks much better now, right? I reckon it makes a huge difference.
And here are those pictures I promised you from the 30 seconds to mars concert. Take care.

Map of the World

At work, again. We're looking for pictures we can have in the exhibition we are working on. So when I'm searching in the archive after pictures of animals, it suddenly hits me. What if I search on my house? So i typed in "Solvik", and guess what? I found a picture of my house from 1940, isn't that pretty cool? But I have a feeling I have seen that picture before, but anyway its cool that it exsicts.

And now, while I'm typing this, Im listening on 30 Seconds To Mars from my ipod... And I'm re-living the concert. It was so good. I want so to see them again. They are playing at Hultsfred this year, but I doubt that I'll have money to go. And who wants to go with me? And I also have a feeling that sleeping in a tent in a week isn't really my thing...

So, I have no money what-so-ever for this weekend, so I better stay at home I think and save up for next weekend. Because then I can party much better with some money in my pocket. I hope Petra is feeling well so we can have that movie-night she was talking about on saturday...

And since Im not going to go out this weekend, Ill work on a header and a design for my blog and I'll also post the picturs from the concert!

Kings and Queens

I forgot to write about it yesterday, or the day before. I guess I have way to much on my mind at the moment so i forget to tell about very important stuff! Anyway, I was at an concert. And not any concert. It was 30 seconds to mars of course! They were so good. And the singer Jerred Leto? is to die for. So when he said that he wanted to make love to everyone in this room, I raised my hand and said "me first!", of course it was only Martina who heard me. But the truth is there still, me first! The whole concert was so good. And leto was so funny. Al in all it was a real good show, and the opening with "night of the hunter" was so succesfull!

But for what i did yesterday i of course had to suffer today. I wake up, and send a glance to my watch, 08.00!!! i have to be at work in 30 mins. So all i had time to do was to throw some crap on my face and some close on my body and run! I was in time for work, but no lunch and no breakfast.
Ill upload the pictures when i get home.


Today was just another cold Swedish winter day, it felt like. I've almost been hoping that the winter soon might be over, but no no. This morning it was -7 again. But the sun was shining. And although it was cold, its not as cold as this winter has been. It's been -26 at the most here in Nyköping. And then I was going to bike to work today. Which wasn't the greatest idea I've had in my life. A) it was slippery as hell. B) I have no fitness what so ever C) Taking the bike out and getting on the road, biking to work and locking the bike took as long time as it would have taken to walk. So tomorrow, since I found my buscard this morning (tucked in my bag), it will be the bus tomorrow if there is any suitable bus going.

At work, it was really boring. We had a course today, or should I say personal meeting? I dont know but it was really boring both meeting all day and then some discussion questions. Me and the other two girls just sat quite because we had no idea what they were talking about, it's only our second day anyway.
I was thinking that I might as well upload some photos from my days up in Norrland. (:

Created for a place I've never known

Before I went to New Zealand, there was this song I started to listen to. Not a lot, but a little bit. But now, the song means so much to me. It's famous from the Narnia movie, and it's called This is home by Switchfoot. It's a way to slow song for me usually but since it means so much to me I reckon it doesn't really matter. I think the song means so much to me just because the lyrics, "This is home, Ive been searching for a place and now I found it", and that's how I felt the last part of my stay in New Zealand. Ive found my home, but I dont know if it was so much for the "I've found a home"-part, it would rather be "I found my self"...

So now, its soon time to go to work. Or it's not really work, I don't get paid but it's work experience and I mean if you could be out of school for 3 weeks, it's always quite good. Mum told me yesterday that I'll have the whole next week alone, she'll be in Russia. So now Ill see what I'll do, if i go to dads place or something because i REALLY cant cook, so I'll starv or something.
But now, for the first time of the year, I'm gonna take out my bike and bike to work. Hope I'll survive because it's still cuite slippery outside of all the snow!

Cardboard boxes

Do you remember when we were just kids?
And cardboard boxes took us miles from what we would miss
School yard conversations taken to heart
And laughter took the place of everything we knew we were now
Anberlin - Inevitable

And then it's time. To start another blog, again. The New Zealand blog is dead, gone and forgotten. Well, it's still there for you who wants to have a look, and for me to remember the best year of my life. I'll put in a link bellow so you all can read from the, what they are now, memories.

Is it just me, or does it seem like all those thoughts I always try to put out of my mind, comes back when it's late and I'm tired? It's like that now. Thoughts, that from the begining might not be so harsh, but the more you think about them they become harsh. Like an eko in my head. I know I've come far from who I was when i left home, but sometimes, like now, it seems like its not that far behind. The worst thing for me, now, would be that the past catches up with me.

Anyway, I'm home now. In Sweden, Nyköping. But I choose to write in english to keep my language skills and maybe, maybe some of my friends from New Zealand will read it sometime. Who knows.
I had an awesome time in Norrland at my friend, Malta's, place. And I hope she will come down to visit me sometime. But for now, I only need one thing and that's my bed and some sleep. Tomorrow I have my second day at my work experience. Fun fun... Nah, it's okay. Better then school anyway. And we make fun of other people, so I'll survive.

Till later, good night.

New Zealand blog

Do you remember when we were just kids?
And cardboard boxes took us miles from what we would miss
School yard conversations taken to heart
And laughter took the place of everything we knew we were now

Välkommen till min nya blogg!

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